◂ Kevin Doole's homepage
Tinkering is what people like to do. For me, it comes out in goofy, sometimes sloppy ways, but also sometimes in beautiful and surprising ways.
Follow me on Instagram / Threads for occasional wacky goofballing.
A novel →
Stay tuned for a novel, coming 2025.
Musical Unplug Box →
This is a SubStack where I occasionally publish.
The Worms →
A novella in the form of a dialogue with a computer system, The Worms brings video, pixel art, music, and sound effects into an interactive thingy.
Class, by Karen Asher →
From Asher’s website: “Class weaves concepts of class identity, dance class, friendship, inclusivity, absurdity, and vulnerability into a multimedia installation.” I edited the 90-minute video, including all special effects, sound, and music.
Karen Asher's website →
Karen Asher is a cool artist, and I made her website.
Weeknotes →
An app for taking notes that stay organized